1. A bank balance of a min. 4000 to 5000 pounds, original bank statement shd be given.
The UK site says it is min. 2600 pounds, but I know lots who got rejected after showing that amount… so it is always better to show more. Even if you have a sponsor, the amount shd be in YOUR account... recently, my friend got rejected because her sponsor's (her father’s) money, over 10k pounds, was not in HER account
2. Detailed holiday plan
I mean, DETAILED... bcos if the holiday plan is very brief or general, the visa officers will immediately conclude that the applicant is not very serious abt holidaying in UK… they will decide that you want to go to work
3. Future job offer
from existing/new employer OR letter from your parent/husband/wife/fiancée saying that you will return OR similar (up to your personal situation)
4. A one-way flight ticket (mandatory) or a return flight ticket (excellent)
Yes, you have to do this, it’s an excellent way of proving that you are returning back. You definitely need to put aside the amount and take this step if you badly want to get the WHM visa. Many have got the visa without keeping this, but I am talking about current times where things are complicated, and esp. in India, they expect return flight ticket printouts.
5. Personal covering letter with a promise to return back.
This is important. I heard it from a lot of consultants that most applicants just keep the required documents, without even a polite introduction letter about themselves.
6. Proof of accommodation.
If you don't know anybody, a confirmed booking at a hotel or a hostel - for a minimum of 2 to 4 weeks - is more than enough. If you do have relatives' place to stay, get them to give appropiate sponsorship letters, including council tax documents. Looking back, I see that most of my friends had problems only when they showed letters from their relatives offering them free lodging and boarding!
The above 6 things are COMPULSORY, no matter what other tells you, you HAVE to have these in your documents folder (along with your completed application form, passport, and photos). Irrespective of which country you are applying for, these 6 documents MUST be there in your application package.
You are, of course, free to keep more documents that might help your case. Many say that a No-Objection-Certificate letter from current employer is a big plus (however, you can get it only if you have a good rapport with your superior!).
Other documents that might help are graduation certificate, PF account proof, savings scheme certificates, property documents or FD passbooks (preferably in your name).