A Working Holidaymaker is some one who is:
- a born traveler and loves to travel
- fully aware of the reasons why he want to be a WHM – not because he wants to work and earn more, but because he wants to make some cool memories
- is clear of his goals during his time in the new country and that he might have to work hard to achieve them
- reasonably healthy and doesn’t bother about extremities in climate
- laidback and adjustable to enjoy living in a different culture
- has some basic qualifications (high school graduation, bartending, typing, etc.), so that he can survive wherever he goes
- good in planning and money management skills, so that he can enjoy traveling in his host country
- eager to make new friends in his host country
- knows at least basic cooking, to survive during the initial weeks
- willing to work on any job, even as a cleaner/janitor
- has enough savings at all time (or at home country) to buy his ticket home, if things become too difficult